"Quick Licks" Notation Builder

No Staff-Lines Editing Mode


Click on the link to do "QuickLicks" with a Single Staff Line or with 5 Staff Lines

Step 1a/3 - Click on a character or a mini-pattern to insert it into your main pattern
Single-Character Editing:
These patterns can be selected on their own for quick insert/overwrite into your pattern
Multi-Line Editing:
Step 1b/3 - Edit your lick more here
Below is the main pattern edit window

Edit Mode: INSERT   or   OVERWRITE
      Change the pattern width:
Switch to Staff Lines mode. or Single-Line mode
CAUTION: the larger the width, the slower the editing takes
You can't save the above image (because it's not a single image, it's a bunch of little ones)
see below to save
Optional Step - Create Image to save/print

Character Size:
Right-click on the image below to save it
(this routine goes back to www.drumputer.com to get a program there to stitch the images together)

Step 2/3 - Generate Drumputer Script

Tap Volume:         Accent Volume:
Notes accumulated while attempting to create a drumputer script will go here
Step 3/3 - Send to Drumputer to produce Sound AND Image

So you can hear it
(be patient, it can take a while)
Extra Step - Save/Load your work

You may need to switch between INSERT and OVERWRITE mode above for this to show up

(You can also use the above textbox to save your pattern and re-load it later by pasting the text back in and pushing the button)
(ignore the box below - it's used to retain info as you refresh, or come back to this page)